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Anchor 1
Becoming a Blue Jeans Millionaire®: The Path to Create, Retain, and Protect Wealth

Money is an inextricable part of our world, woven into every fiber of our professional and personal lives. Yet too many of us still lack the basics of financial literacy and can’t seem to break bad habits that just seem to get worse.


There are no quick fixes when it comes to financial security, but the first step is the most important: you must adjust your mindset and perspective to understand what it takes to build, keep, and protect hard-earned wealth in an uncertain and ever-changing world.


Whether you’re a full-time freelancer, salaried employee, or an entrepreneur, this is the financial primer that will help you cut through the clutter to discover how to:

  • Know your worth
  • Navigate career growth

  • Spend smarter

  • Choose good debts and investments

  • Find financial professionals who will help - not hinder - your path to true wealth

Anchor 2
The Blue Jeans Millionaire® Presents:
A Guide to Lasting Wealth for Baby Boomers & the Silent Generation

From world wars and economic upheaval to technological advancements from the television to the Internet, the world has evolved dramatically during the Silent Generation and Baby Boomers’ lifetimes. With so many rapid revolutions, it’s no surprise that these generations’ approach to retirement have little in common with their own parents’ golden years. And with most Americans facing underfunded retirements, multiple generations within families face a looming crisis.


That’s why today’s retirees must adopt different financial strategies to not only survive but thrive after a lifetime of hard work. In this volume of the Blue Jeans Millionaire series, Silent Generation and Baby Boomers will discover:


  • The history and context of how retirement conditions have changed over the years

  • Why the financial advice of yesteryear won’t work today

  • A new financial actions to-do list with prioritized tasks to build security

  • How to play catch-up on building your nest egg with specific account types and make existing assets (like real estate) stretch even further

  • Where, when, and how to downsize, continue working, and stop working altogether

  • A new perspective and mindset to face the future with hope and optimism

Anchor 3
The Blue Jeans Millionaire® Presents:
A Guide to Financial Security for
Gen X & Millennials

Generation Xers and Millennials (young as they are) have already been much maligned over their lifetimes. From characterizations ranging from apathetic slackers to entitled avocado toast addicts, what many fail to appreciate is how these younger generations are coming into their own as adults in an economic world that no longer resembles their parents’. Facing unique issues like six-figure student loan debt and a rapidly evolving workforce, many still lack the financial know-how to navigate this new world to achieve their personal and professional dreams.


That’s why the 20-, 30-, and 40-somethings today must adopt new financial strategies to not only survive but thrive in an increasingly uncertain world. In this volume of the Blue Jeans Millionaire series, Gen Xers and Millennials will discover:


  • The history and context of how economic conditions have changed in recent history

  • Why your parents’ financial advice of yesteryear won’t work today

  • Basic financial hygiene tips on managing cash flow, credit, debt, and investing

  • How to optimize different employment situations, from freelancing to salaried pay

  • Tools and techniques to protect your health and wealth

  • How to develop a perspective and mindset to face the future with hope and optimism

Anchor 4
The Blue Jeans Millionaire® Presents:
A Guide to Financial Harmony for
the Newly (or Nearly) Married

The nature and definition of marriage have evolved dramatically since ancient times. While some eagerly anticipate entering into this traditional convention, others may be more resolved to avoid it for as long as possible. Either way, long-term relationships can dramatically impact an individual’s lifestyle for today and tomorrow. The question is: what’s the best way to handle important financial matters together?


Everything from employment changes, to children, to home ownership, are major financial decisions you’ll be making together - so it’s time to get on the same page. In this volume of the Blue Jeans Millionaire series, the Newly (or Nearly) Married will discover:


  • The pros and cons of getting legally married

  • Strategies for safeguarding assets and children against future uncertainty

  • How prenuptial, postnuptial, and post-natal legal agreements can protect loved ones

  • Different approaches to home ownership, child rearing, and estate planning

  • How downsizing a wedding can put new families on the path to financial security

  • Ways to organize cash flow and financial accounts with fairness and flexibility

  • A new perspective and mindset to face the future with hope and optimism

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